Test your English vocabulary
  1. Choose your test level below
  2. Read the instruction at the bottom of the page
  3. Click your chosen level above


Choose |Level 1|Level 2|Level 3|

Level 1 (low)
punkt Pre-intermediate to intermediate
punkt Based on the most frequently used 8,000 words
punkt 80 test words
punkt If your score is 73/80 or more, your need to
take the level 2 test for a more accurate result

Level 2 (medium)

punkt Intermediate to post-intermediate
punkt Based on the most frequently used 15,000 words
punkt 120 test words
punkt If your score is 45/120 or less, your need to
take the level 1 test for a more accurate result
punkt If your score is 110/120 or more, your need to
take the level 3 test for a more accurate result

Level 3 (high)

punkt Post-intermediate to advanced
punkt Based on the most frequently used 25,000 words
punkt 120 test words
punkt If your score is 58/120 or less, your need to
take the level 2 test for a more accurate result

Each test word must be
associated with the correct
alternative. There are 5 alternatives. Here is an example:

bicycle peace sun wheel forest food

"wheel" is the most general and natural association. A wheel is actually part of a bicycle.

Make sure you answer all the questions. Try to guess intelligently. Try to find two or three alternatives that seem impossible, and then choose one of the remaining two or three.

You will find that the words at the beginning of the test are quite simple, but as you go along you will find that they get more difficult. You ought to find the last twenty or thirty words quite "hopeless", but please keep trying to guess intelligently.